sábado, 23 de julio de 2011


The legacy of technology

Two approaches can be compared to the assessment as technology changes and transforms human capabilities (1): The effects obtained with the technology, simply referred to the results that can be achieved from the cooperative work that is orchestrated by the interaction between interaction, for example, operating a spreadsheet or an image processor for enhancing the gains would be achieved individually. The man-machine interaction is designed in this case, as a system whose performance is evaluated in its entirety, even lost sight of the importance of human intervention. From an analytical perspective, however, this cooperation will say that capacity is an attribute of individuals and therefore the technology is only a partnership that allows the individual to enhance their skills in this sense, the machine meets function most gifted colleague in Vygotsky's conception of the "zone of proximal development" (2). In both cases, technology and human beings can indeed form a complementary pair that falls within the concept of distributed cognition beyond the physical body itself, extending to other people, media and symbolic artifacts (3) .

Second, it remains to consider the effects of technology, involving a cognitive residue transferable to other contexts in which the technology in question is no longer present. Imagine for example, an individual who, accustomed to reading in hypertext format (4) were developed using this resource, the ability to link concepts to more complex, efficient and fast.

But perhaps the latter is a hasty statement ... Do you leave really use a tool a cognitive residue transferable to other situations in which such technology is not there? It is very difficult to draw conclusions about if we analyze technologies that are already among us for a long time because its effects have already been naturalized by culture. However it is possible to venture a hypothesis: the experiment known among the Vai (5), determined that the writing just seems to have cognitive effects when it is significant to the cultural environment, therefore we can infer it is not possible to isolate the effect of the technological respect to other contextual variables. We therefore consider that while ICTs are vital for the times, their cognitive effects may be important, even if we still can not determine with precision. Anyway, beyond these potential effects, ICTs are installed in our culture and like it or are part of a reality to which the school belongs and can not ignore.

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